Hi, I’m Dash

Hi, my name is Dash!

I am the newest addition to the 172. My birthday is August 24th, 2021. On October 9th, I moved on to the 172. That made me the first one to leave the farm. Miss my family but now I have a new family and they are pretty cool. They feed me kitty food and I have a nice warm box to sleep in, except at night, when I sleep next to the big girl cat so that I do not get smashed by the big boy cat. After all, we are a pride.

Me and Lambchop sleeping in my box. I hope I don’t fart!

Hanging around on the 172 and enjoying my new life:

The big cats are Eric and Margaret. My favorite spot to sleep during the day is on the boy cat’s belly. He is so much warmer than the girl cat.

Though I do like sleeping on her lap and hang out on her shoulder. (it makes me tall)

I look a little worried.

Supposably I am liter box trained, but I am not used to the fancy liter. Where I was born, there were a lot of farm cats and we had clay litter. The fancy stuff is kind of stinky, (I think).

About me, Dash the smallest thing in the Cave:

As you can tell, I am a short-haired white kitty with lightly toasted marshmallow ears and blue eyes. I am a Flame Point Siamese. (more on that another time)

I am so little that everything in our cave, but the Living Stone, is bigger than me. One day though, I too shall be big, then watch out.

My favorite toy (other than Lamb Chop) is a balled-up piece of paper. It never sees me coming. Attack after attack for minutes (seems like hours to me) and it never sees it coming. 

Now, I can go up the stairs by myself, but must take it easy coming down or I tumble. While running down the stairs this morning with the big girl cat, I went head over heels. She carried me after that and made sure I was alright. You know to live on the 172 you must be tough. I may be small, but I am tough. 

On an adventure off the 172:

The big girl cat bought me a backpack so I could ride in the car and go on walks, So far, I have been to the Lake Mills Market and Costco.

I maybe trapped!

Oh, I almost forgot, I rode from the farm to the 172. That was my first big adventure. No backpack then so I rode on the dash. That is how I got my name. It fits me because I like to dash around every where.

Then the big girl cat took me for a walk around the block. It was chilly and I was not happy. Even though I had my blanket and Lamb Chop; I still did not like it. She said, “You are going to have to get used to it, because you are going to be a traveling kitty. (Ugh!!). At least I will have an adventurous life.

What? The pride is going to go foraging for mushrooms! Who does this? Guess I do now. We went into the trees and I was a bit worried. I rode in my backpack and got to see a lot of cool stuff, including a doggo.

Back on the 172, home again, YAY!

Then I got to hang out outside on the table in my box. Had to teach the box a couple of lessons. I did get out of my box as well but am not allowed to get on the ground by myself. (Too small). A hawk might get me, there was one flying around. Also, l got to meet Uncle (Owen), yes, I am going to call him Uncle too.

Well I think I am going to have a pretty exciting life her on the 172, as well as off the 172.

Me as a tiny tiny, my first few weeks at my new home:

Well, I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about me. For more of my adventures on and off the 172, stay tuned.


In a world you can be anything, be a cool cat.

{I’m now 15 weeks old. This post is a little behind times.}

2 Replies to “Hi, I’m Dash”

  1. Oh my goodness!!! You are the most adorable little Dash board 🐈 kitty❣️ I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful life with your big cats ……I hear they are pretty 😎 cool! 😘

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